This is a weblog addressing the political middle-left. . . from my point-of-view, of course.
Four More Years???
Published on September 29, 2004 By Timmoth In Democrat
Decide for yourself. This is your America. Washington is full of monuments with beautiful words proclaiming our freedom, justice and humanity. Many men and women have died protecting our rights and our ideals based on those beautiful words. Many presidents both Republican and Democrat have held office and have tried to do their best to live up to those incredible words.

I guess the question is do you believe in those words? Because ,in this administration, that talks about character, rights and our interests, those words have been challenged, ignored, or made to seem inconvenient to what is really important: their interests.

I have a list of possible evidence that , in fact, it is not freedom or justice or humanity that this administration believes in. And consider the act of impeaching a President for lying under oath, how then do these stack up?

-Frequent misleading statements from advertising, to speeches, to official communications. (Just about everything they say)
-Using the Patriot Act to undo the IV amendent to the Constitution of freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. (Remember they want to make this permanent)
-Questionable and suspicious acts having the effect of undermining a national election (read what happened in Florida during the 2000 elections; read what happened this year with the voter rolls in Florida; note the no paper trail electronic voting machines making a recount impossible)
-Blantant disregard for the Geneva Convention putting our captured troops in grave danger.
-War profiteering from select companies as contractors do work the Army already knows how to do at a fraction of the cost.
-Conflict of interests with known associated companies
-Refusal to adhere to the separation of church and state (God is a concept any human can understand--Jesus, Ten Commandments, and The Bible are for Jewish people and Christians only)

Think about it. Is this your America?

on Sep 29, 2004
-Refusal to adhere to the separation of church and state (God is a concept any human can understand--Jesus, Ten Commandments, and The Bible are for Jewish people and Christians only)

Think about it. Is this your America?

So I guess that you want them to take the word "God" out of the Pledge of Alligence, take the words" In God We Trust" off our money? And the bill of rights that you call on, doesn't it say: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness . . . "

Just for you edification, here's the dictionary meaning of the word creator:

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

2 entries found for creator.
To select an entry, click on it.

Main Entry: cre·a·tor
Pronunciation: krE-'A-t&r
Function: noun
: one that creates usually by bringing something new or original into being; especially capitalized : GOD 1

One way or the other, you can't have it both ways!
on Sep 29, 2004
Wow. Flinch. Destroy is such a strong word, talk about slap in the face. Democracy in the US is far from perfect... we agree to disagree and whatnot. We cannot live in a pure democracy because living in a pure anything is like a utopia, and since humans came up with this crap then it's far from perfect. Drawing from nowhere except Rome, I think the framers were in ovre their heads. What do you base democracy on, for one? I mean, it's a completely foreign concepts to these men who came from a monarchy and are just blindly BSing it. Kudos to them for having the ovaries to do that. In this modern world, with all the crap that happens, it's just not possible to have freedom without certain restrictions. The thing about America is that we agree to have those restrictions. New democracies have it better because some political scientist from the US has taken the short end of our stick and used it to their advantage, therefore their politics can be more effective. Unfvortunately, in this country, with no real middleground because of different ethnicities, religion, etc. you can't please everyone all of the time. And whether you like it or not, Christianity is the dominate belief system in the US. True, it seems like whacking the pinata twice with a rubber feather. Freedom of religion... freedom to be your own religion .... .there's no balance. There won't be. We're too far along to wipe the slate clean and just go "OK! We're starting over! Everybody OUT!" it's.... I dunno.... I understnad your frustration and if I could appologize for the system, I would, but I can't, therefore.... eh.
on Sep 29, 2004
BTW: "God" wasn't in the original pledge of allegience. They added that sometime around the 1950's or so to promote union of the country. I don't have exact anything. I found it on the back of an old Smithsonian magazine in art class.
on Sep 29, 2004
Drmiller.. I don't disagree that it is pushing it to take god out of the pledge and whatnot, I mean does it really bother anyone that much? But, when you said that the constiution said "creator", which it does, and then went on to say that "creator" meant god, you crossed the line. Actually, I think we all know that the people who "created" us were our parents. Whether it was god who oversaw it, and who chose for such a thing to happen is not at question, but it was really our parents who created us.
on Sep 29, 2004
And I don't mean to say that to infringe uppon anyones beliefs, just to point out that someone could arguee that and it would be acceptable for them to believe such a thing.
on Sep 29, 2004

Reply #4 By: sandy2 - 9/29/2004 7:17:57 PM
Drmiller.. I don't disagree that it is pushing it to take god out of the pledge and whatnot, I mean does it really bother anyone that much? But, when you said that the constiution said "creator", which it does, and then went on to say that "creator" meant god, you crossed the line. Actually, I think we all know that the people who "created" us were our parents. Whether it was god who oversaw it, and who chose for such a thing to happen is not at question, but it was really our parents who created us.

Wrong answer! I PROVIDED the dictionary meaning of the word creator! If you doubt that here's the link. Type in the word creator and just see what you get.

on Sep 29, 2004
Yes, I know the definition of creator. A parent brings their child into being.
on Sep 29, 2004

Reply #7 By: sandy2 - 9/29/2004 7:23:05 PM
Yes, I know the definition of creator. A parent brings their child into being

That is NOT the dictionary meaning of the word. Merriam-Webster (which was my source for the definition) is a much respected dictionary and is used in *most* schools (check their library). That being said what I quoted is what your *children* will see if they look up the word.
on Sep 29, 2004
one that creates usually by bringing something new or original into being

One that creates by BRINING INTO BEING. A parent does that. The sperm and the egg come together to CREATE a human being because of the parents. They BRING IT INTO BEING.
on Sep 29, 2004

Reply #9 By: sandy2 - 9/29/2004 7:31:18 PM
one that creates usually by bringing something new or original into being

One that creates by BRINING INTO BEING. A parent does that. The sperm and the egg come together to CREATE a human being because of the parents. They BRING IT INTO BEING.

If your going to quote, PLEASE use the ENTIRE sentence. IE:" especially capitalized : GOD "
on Sep 29, 2004
Sorry- I honestly didnt see the God part. Once I got to capitalized, I was like ok I don't know why there is a capitalized thrown in here so I stopped reading. I believe that by God they mean that that is another meaning, noting the : before it.
on Sep 29, 2004

Reply #11 By: sandy2 - 9/29/2004 7:40:29 PM
Sorry- I honestly didnt see the God part. Once I got to capitalized, I was like ok I don't know why there is a capitalized thrown in here so I stopped reading. I believe that by God they mean that that is another meaning, noting the : before it.

No, if you go to the page the word "God" is in a different color which means there is a definition for the word.
on Sep 29, 2004
on Dec 27, 2004
Not at all! You're misinterpreting what I'm trying to say. Words like God and Creator should not be offensive to anyone save maybe atheists. Therefore those words shouldn't be taken out of any documents or symbols. They simply don't apply to any particular religion.

on Dec 27, 2004
Wrong answer! I PROVIDED the dictionary meaning of the word creator! If you doubt that here's the link. Type in the word creator and just see what you get.

Hide the kids, drmiler has got the dictionary out again.