This is a weblog addressing the political middle-left. . . from my point-of-view, of course.
Published on May 23, 2004 By Timmoth In Democrat
Have you noticed how frequently the average American's patriotism is questioned these days. "American-hating" is a phrase thrown around as casually "brown-nosing" or "loose-lipped" or "being-hypocritical" or "mean-spirited" or for that matter "custom-made", "four-wheeling" and "hot chocolate."

We seemed to have turned insults into everyday language. I guess we have a lot to say to one another. And although everyone has the right to say what they want, (maybe not where they want) do these same people even give a thought to what they mean??

You can call someone any low-down, snake-like, stealin, lyin', cheatin'--or if you prefer-- arrogant, pompous, chauvenistic, womanizing. . . .you can make up your own! But to call someone "American-hating" that's audacity or maybe stupidity on a scale that. . . well, dare I say it? Could it just be UN-American!??

America seems to grow and change just like all of us. The America of the fifties is quite different from the America of the eighties is different from the America today. You might say that our government and our Constitution remain the same but like the decades, new Presidents and new amendments make changes even there.

I think America is a collection of the experiences of its 285 million people and their collective sense of home.
America is our home. For some it's a new home. For many of us, it was the home of our parents and many grandparents lucky enough or forced or starving or angry enough to come here.

285 million ideas about what America is. 285 million people who call America home. 285 million people living out there hopes, fears, and dreams, triumphs and sorrows. The next time you accuse an American of "hating America" you are, in effect, calling that person a traitor, and, probably making a fool of yourself! Because if they really call America home, then they ARE American!

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