Do you know the difference?
Just as the sun rises in the East so do Republicans attempt to define Democrats as lefty, liberal, uninformed and socialistic. Do they really believe that to be the case?
I was watching George McGovern, democratic candidate of old, and Bob Dole have a friendly debate the other night. It was very civil, unlike any of the discourse you hear today. Anyway, George was talking about giving health care to all uninsured children under 6 years of age. Then he said, if that worked, extend it to children under 18 years of age. Bob Dole surprised me by saying he agreed with that approach, but that he favored finding a private sector solution to the issue.
A few things caught my attention, first a Republican wanted to help young people get health insurance, a masterful idea because that would take away a huge burden on poor families trying to make it . Secondly, that he thought there needed to be a private sector solution to the problem. I'm not sure, but I get the feeling that Republicans don't like any social programs what-so-ever. I've come to understand the "pull yourself up by the boot straps" mentality, which is great for those who can do that. The question is. . . is it necessary for everyone? And why does one group get to decide what's best for another group? More on that some other time.
What exactly is it about a social program that scares Republicans so much? I think it has to do with socialism--A completely different economic system from capitalism. We have markets controlling food, commerce, entertainment , virtually every aspect of our lives, then someone mentions "Wouldn't it be great if we help out a group of people with lesser means" by providing them health care or education assistance and frankly, all hell breaks loose. Barrages of anti-American accusations, not to mention other accusations of socialism ,or worse, communism. This has got to be a slippery slope fear that if we let one social program take hold we are undoubtedly setting a terrible precedent economically. As if soon we'll be given our monthly government stipend for movie tickets and dog food.
What confounds me the most is that I don't want America to be a socialist country. I don't know about the far left, but it seems to me that most people would think moving up in your job and getting more money and prestige because of your talent and experience is a good thing. And yeah, maybe I could buy a nicer car or live in a nicer house as a result. I don't want to stay on a waiting list just to see a doctor or some other professional. I just want to have that option if I were to come on hard times. A little compassion for our fellow Americans is all I ask. There's plenty of capitalism left to make people rich. Besides a more literate, educated, healthy America is better for everyone. Wouldn't you agree?